Thursday, September 15, 2011

The fit out has started.

 Chrissy's nooks follow on from the doors.
 We have doors and arc's, aren't they good looking doors.
 This is the front door and will be the same color as the roof, Deep Ocean Blue.
 This is the broom cupboard with most of it's dressing's.
 The cavity sliders are the same as the hanging doors and the front door, but it has glass in the squares.
 Skirting board's are going in as well.
 The front veranda is lined and the post's have started to be painted.

 More of the carport roof going back on.
 Norm has started the bagging on the original brick work. Not finished yet.

The color is almost there.

Its the middle of September

 The brick work is finished
 The plaster is done and the cornice is up, it looks great.

Looking down the hall, toward the laundry with man hole and toward kitchen.