Wednesday, December 21, 2011

We have moved in

Well we moved in on the last day of Nov, so far the dunny has blocked up twice, first found that when house was built, originaly seventeen years ago, someone must have bogged a truck on the pipe out of the septic tank and squashed it about a meter into the ground and it has been working by soaking into the big green patch in the back lawn, that was week one. week two it blocked up again this time it was a 390ml drink bottle that must have got down the pipe while the house was demolished oh joy, that is now fixed, the concreters showed up yesterday, only six or so weeks after thay where going to so the veranda's now have concrete will have photos soon, haven't been able to put many photos on as not much to look at still don't have new furniture so only got cottage furniture, soon will post photos. when the deck and front of garage have a roof and the other jobs are done. But it is SOOO nice to be HOME. :o)